Window Painting at An Beal Bocht

I'm so happy that winter is over! This is a little project I did at An Beal Bocht Cafe in November. The people at this place are the nicest and somehow I was able to convince them to let me paint snowflakes on their windows. I debated for a long time about what paint to use. Most window painters use house paint and paint on the outside of the windows which makes your designs durable and brighter to people walking by. But. The clean up is terrible. I decided to use water colors on the inside which clean up so easy! And a few window markers. Their windows were the happiest in the neighborhood! 

I'm hoping that I can do this again next year! And maybe convince some other places too. I was kind of a sad sight - walking around with my double stroller full of kids, trying to get through doors and give people a little flyer. Sometimes life is really humbling :) 


  1. They are lovely! So lovely! And I really like that image of you strolling around to hand out your flyer. You are brave and cool.


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