A baby blessing every night.
We say a prayer every (most) nights with our kids and tonight, I was thinking about how it feels like a baby blessing. Especially when I pray with/for Rinnie. Instead of praying as if I was Rinnie (like I do with Alta) I pray for Rinnie while standing over her pack n play. I pray that she'll be healthy and strong and happy and that she'll have fun playing with Alta. I pray that we can teach her the right things and give her all the love she needs. She stares at me as I pray and she's so helpless but there and listening. With blessings you say "I bless you" and with prayers you ask, but lately it's been feeling stronger. Like I have a strong power to ask and get the things that she needs. Maybe prayers are more like blessings than I thought? And I have more power than I know.
Yes! Yes! I really do believe this is so.