Extras for Sale!
We survived another move (this makes 4 for us!) and I'm finally feeling a little settled and able to spend a second going through stuff. While I have both kids napping, which is some kind of miracle, I've been going through all my leftovers/extras from my Kickstarter project. Christmas is coming and I'd love to a) make some extra cash for christmas presents and b) clear out some stuff!
I sold almost everything I made for the Kickstarter but there were a few test runs and extras printed. I also thought I'd sell some of my original drawings - not the ones I ended up using but practice runs.
Here's what I'm thinking for this internet yard sale:
1. All prices are negotiable, and the more you buy, the better the deal.
2. Shipping - $3ish - depending on what you buy. Might be less.
3. You email me (gracepoulsen [at] me.com and tell me what you want (refer to the number), I'll ship to you
4. You mail me a check or cash or use paypal. Honor system wins since setting up a shop sounds exhausting.
Any questions/requests are welcome!
p.s. some of the prints and originals have little tabs. My original idea was to make them close like a cereal box but alas, hand cutting tabs and slits became ridiculous.
2 - Giant mini card poster - $5 - I can cut them or mail it like this
3 - DN idea - print - $5
4 - DN idea - print - $5
5 - Virtue idea print on white - $5
6 - Knowledge print on olive green - $5
7 - Virtue idea - original - $5
8 - DN Clouds original - $5
8.5 - IW idea - original - $5
9 - DN Clouds - original - $5
10 - GW idea - original - $5
11 - Integrity idea - original - $5
12 - DN Clouds - original - $5
13 - Virtue idea - original - $5
14 - IW idea - original - $5
15 - Faith idea - original - $5
15.5 - C&A and GW ideas - original - $3
16 - Integrity small print - $1
17 - C&A small print - $1
18 - DN Clouds - original - $5
19 - GW suns - original - $15
20 - GW suns - original - $5
21 - GW idea - original - $5
22- Virtue idea - original - $5
23- Virtue idea - original - $5
24 - GW & DN mash-up idea - original - $5
25 - DN Clouds - original - $5
26 - (2) C&A prints - $5
27 - GW suns - original - $5
28 - Knowledge & Virtue rounded cards - $3
29 - 5 Cards - $8
29 - 11 DW Cards - $10
30 - 3 different virtue cards - $5
31 - Knowledge print - $2
32 - (2) IW prints - $5
34 - (3) Integrity prints - $5
35 - (2) GW print - color looks terrible in the pic. refer to the kickstarter! - $4
36 - (2) Virtue print - $4
37 - Faith print - $2
38 - (2) DW prints - $4
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