Get a Free Printable of the Matching Cards!
Only 6 days left! To celebrate this exciting time, I'll be sending out a free PDF of all the notebook matching cards to anyone who repins the photo above! I created the cards, one each for each notebook, to give a short explanation of each design. (If you watch the video on my Kickstarter page, I explain the designs a little bit more.) The cards are pretty small, roughly 1.5 x 1.75, depending on how small you to decide to cut them.
Here's what you need to do to get your PDF:
1) Repin the photo above on to your pinterest board. One that I can see and verify so no private boards.
2) Send me an email at gracepoulsen [at] (obviously [at] = @) and include a link to the board or pin and I'll do my best to find it!
3) I will email you back with the PDF. I think they look best printed on white cardstock with a laser jet printer (read: go to Staples or Office Depot :))
A couple things:
+This PDF is for personal use only so feel free to make a million copies as long as they are for yourself, your kids, or your young women. Tell your friends to repin the picture if they want a copy!
+If you don't have pinterest, we can work something out! Sharing a link on your facebook to the Kickstarter will definitely earn you a PDF. Email me and let me know what you did!
+I'll do my best to send out the PDFs each night but please be patient with me if it takes a few days. Thanks! :)
+The Kickstarter project ends April 17th and the free PDF will only be available until then. So pin/share before you forget!
And...if you decide you want the 8 notebooks that go with these cards, head over to Kickstarter! You can get a set of notebooks for $25 - including shipping! (You can also get a set of postcards for $15 and prints for $20)
Any comments/questions, share them below! Thanks!
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