bye cambridge

I was going to say bye Boston but honestly, I don't really feel like I saw a ton of Boston. Cambridge has really felt like home to us and I'm pretty sad to leave it. This was our first family video chat - Dave had to go down to NY early to start his rotation. Kind of funny timing with Brynne moving too, I've also been thinking back on all that has happened in this apartment. When we moved in I was pretty sick feeling and now that we're leaving, we have a baby. We made it 6 weeks!

One of the craziest things about being mom is realizing that I will forever be a mom now. So many things in our lives are temporary - one year of school, one year in cambridge, but this change is permanent. Which is pretty awesome and terrifying at the same time. I'm grateful that Alta likes music (especially the new Beach House album) and she doesn't usually mind when I run into things while she's in her stroller.


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