happy festivus

Dave reminded me that there is something more important than festivus to celebrate today. Happy Birthday Joseph Smith! So today we celebrate 3 things. Festivus, Joseph Smith, and Dave finishing a killer week. I feel bad for my poor roommate who has spent so many nights at the hospital and stayed up through the night last night to do a write up and presentation for this morning. Dave is such a nice person and medical school is just not that nice to him.

Plans to celebrate this night include watching The Strike - it took me 45 minutes to find this episode online. To celebrate Joseph Smith's birth, I'd like to read the Rough Stone Rolling again because I loved that book. I loved learning the history of the Smiths and just how everything came together. It really completed the whole story for me. Since we can't do that in one night, we'll have to think of something else. Oh and I think we will go to Coal's, our favorite restaurant. It's worth the trip to the Bronx to eat here.

Most exciting that happened over the weekend, the crane.




We saw it on the way to church and after church we went to David and Lorri's apt (don't tell them) for a better view. Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus!


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